Media appearances

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Media Appearances of LCF Auto Gallery

Celebrating the Timeless Beauty of Classic Cars in the Media

LCF Auto Gallery has garnered significant attention and recognition in the media, with numerous appearances that highlight our passion for classic cars and commitment to automotive excellence. We are proud to share our journey and showcase the acclaim we have received from esteemed publications, television shows, and online platforms. From in-depth interviews with our founder to captivating features on our extraordinary car collection, these media appearances offer a glimpse into the world of LCF Auto Gallery.

Explore the articles, interviews below to immerse yourself in our captivating media presence and discover why we are a trusted authority in the realm of classic cars.

Fiat 508 Balilla Spider

Concursul de Eleganta Sinaia 2023
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Concursul de Eleganta Sinaia 2023
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A showroom for classics

Concursul de Eleganţă Sinaia

Using his experience as a collector, Lucian Drăgan learned to offer services for selling, maintaining and parking classic cars in ideal conditions.

Car collectors are the ones who know best how to offer the right services for their community. This is the story of Lucian Drăgan, who will enchant the public of the Sinaia Concours d'Elegance with an impeccable Fiat 508 Balilla Spider built in 1933. It is a rare edition, with Weber carburetors installed in the Fiat factory, that help deliver 32 instead of 22 HP. The second surprise brought by Lucian to Sinaia is a BMW Z1. Apparently it is the only one registered in Romania. It is a car that still has the avant-garde aura from its 1988 debut. And Lucian enjoys the go-kart sensation it offers while driving it with the doors lowered in the side sills. Lucian also owns a BMW 5 Series (E12) from 1981 and a gorgeous BMW 2000 CS din 1968. But he has a soft spot for Japanese cars built in the 1990s. His collection includes Mitsubishi 3000GT, Mazda RX7, Nissan 300ZX, Toyota MR2. You can see them all on Here you can find the services prepared by Lucian to welcome car collectors at the special LCF Auto Gallery location in Bragadiru (Alexandriei road, no. 335). The project envisioned by Lucian is what Romania is lacking: a showroom dedicated to classic cars, with specialized counseling and authenticity verification. He also prepares a hotel for cars, where they can be parked under ideal conditions.

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Man Discovers Passion for Cars and Buys 15 Special Ones in Two Years, We Pay a Visit

I saw my first big car collection back in 2011. There was this race driver that had multiple buildings filled with cars and motorcycles, and I got to visit one of them. There was a Subaru Impreza WRX STI 22B inside, a Gemballa 959, a tuned Ford GT, and many more amazing machines inside. Since then, I've been fortunate enough to see several more collections, and I'm always happy when that happens.

That's how you get sucked into the world of Hot Wheels, I guess. 1/64th-scale cars are easy to buy and keep on display, and they don't require any expensive maintenance. Just remember to dust them off now and then. Just think of it this way. If you're a big fan of Japanese sports cars, but you're on a limited budget, you might have to face a difficult decision when talking about 1:1 vehicles. But you can get all the Mazda, Nissans, Subarus, Toyotas, Hondas, and Mitsubishis you want for a few hundred bucks if you take it down to the 1/64th scale.

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Raritate la RAR: Un Fiat interbelic din care mai există doar câteva exemplare în lume a ajuns în România

Fiat se numără printre cei mai cunoscuți și prolifici constructori auto din Italia. Compania, a cărui nume este, de fapt, un acronim pentru „Fabbrica Italiana di Automobili Torino”, a lansat în perioada interbelică mai multe modele de succes, iar această serie a fost deschisă de modelul 508. Acest exemplar care a ajuns în România este aparte, deoarece mai există doar alte 13 exemplare identice în toată lumea.

România ascunde multe mașini de epocă interesante. Aceste „bătrâne doamne” ies rar din garajele lor, iar multe se afișează pentru a fi admirate doar cu ocazia unor expoziții speciale sau în timpul așa-numitelor Retroparade. Acestea din urmă sunt evenimente organizate de mai multe ori pe an, în diverse colțuri ale țării, de filialele Retromobil Club, organizația care se ocupă cu atestarea vehiculelor istorice în România. În ultima perioadă, angajații Registrului Auto Român și-au făcut un obicei lăudabil din a documenta, pe Facebook, mașinile inedite care apar pentru a fi verificate, în scopul înmatriculării.

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